Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Good Week

This week was a really good week over all. We were able to meet a lot of new investigators this week as well as meet with a few families, which are showing a lot of promise. We are working with two couples that are living together that will be getting married at the start of next month and which are showing a lot of interest in the church. We are really excited for them and the possible baptism of these couples. This week we completed one couple by baptizing the wife of a recent convert that was baptized about four weeks ago. She was really excited and happy to be baptized. Now we need to baptize their children. We haven’t really had the chance to talk with the children but here this week we should. We are doing well for the most part. I am still feeling really worn out, my bed is not the best and the neighbors and what not make a lot of noise at night. We also have some cats that like to visit our gated area and make a lot of noise at night, which can be annoying. But it is all right; the Lord will help me get through these tough times and through my trials. We should be having a baptism next week as well. We visited with a family that is less active and the daughter (19) is not baptized. We were able to mark a baptismal date with her for this next weekend. We are hoping that all will go well and work out. We are hopefully planning on having baptisms once a week here in our area and the ward is getting excited. But that was just about my week. I took quite a few pictures for y’all to see what it is like in my area so here they are.

Perry Alto. Yes, there are roads between those houses.

A viela. This is how you get to some houses here in the favela. Some are basically a maze and you get lost.

The baptism.

Jd. Demasceno

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